I walked my familiar neighborhood route and read the yellow warning sign for the umpteenth time, “Lane Ends. Merge Left.” I typically ignored this sign while walking, though it is quite important when driving, but this day the sign spoke to me in a new way.
Life is full of changes and the “Lane Ends. Merge Left” sign stares at us from time to time. Something familiar is ending and change is inevitable. We may not want to change lanes if we’ve been driving in the right hand lane for a long time and are comfortable with continuing for years to come. But there’s the sign. The lane is ending, like it or not. Remaining in this lane is no longer an option. We will crash into a barricade or run entirely off the road. We must begin merging.
Transition can be smooth if we follow God’s lead each step. Sometimes we find ourselves stressed and pressured to move in a hurry because we hesitated or refused to obey. God may gently nudge us though we wait until it is too late. We were acting like a 2 year old, not ready to leave Grandma’s house, digging in our heels and saying “I don’t want to go!”
The Lord has been speaking to me about some lane changes I need to make in my life. He tells me the lane I’ve been in for a long time is ending and it’s time to begin merging into a new lane. The transition will be easy if I yield to His timing and guidance.
If we have hesitated or downright disobeyed; now’s the time to merge into His plan for our lives.
Better now than never.