“And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.”
Matthew 12:15b (NKJV)
He, being Jesus.
All, meaning all.
Have you ever read through the Gospels, focusing on Jesus and who He healed, how He healed, when He healed and what He said when He healed? If you never have, I highly recommend it. And if you have, why not have another go at it?
As we read the Gospels, there are some things we won’t find Jesus saying to people who came to Him for healing.
He never said, “No.”
He never said, “It’s not my will.”
He never said, “Not right now.”
He never said, “I’m trying to teach you something through your sickness.”
He never said, “It’s your fault you are sick; you deserve it.”
He never said, “You have sin in your life.”
If He didn’t say these things then, would He say them now?
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)
Something to think about.