My daughter and I waited in the Walmart check-out line for what seemed like years. The cashier must have called in sick the day of her training. She was nice and friendly, but quick and competent, she was not.
We had plenty of time to inspect the check-out line deals which tried to convince us we needed beef jerky, and our lips were getting drier by the minute, so we could use some lip balm.
As my daughter and I stared at the candy, we reminisced about the candy I bought for her and her brother when they were younger. I guessed which candies were their favorites. We were tired of standing in line, but we made the best of it.
Finally I decided I needed some mints. As I looked for my favorites among the stash, I noticed something strange. One of the mint boxes had deodorant in it, not one, but two sticks of deodorant. They were the same brand, but one was for men and one for women.
Why do so many people have second thoughts in the check-out line? Do they fear they don’t have enough money for all of their selections or do they remember they have a spare in the pantry or underneath the bathroom sink? For whatever reason, abandoned items littered the shelves.
And what were the deodorant abandoners thinking?
“We don’t have enough money for both deodorant and mints. Do we want fresh breath or less body odor?”
Guess they went for the fresh breath.