Billy Graham and I clicked off another year of life. He and I share the same birthday though he celebrated 45 birthdays before I arrived on the scene.
While watching a television birthday celebration for Billy Graham, I was impressed with the outpouring of love and appreciation for him. He has had an amazing life, preaching and leading many to faith in Jesus. He has lived a life of integrity and humility, never having been involved in a scandal, and as down to earth as they come.
After watching the program, I felt a bit disheartened. My life doesn’t seem to be as meaningful as the life Billy Graham has led. Then this verse came to mind.
“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”
Galatians 6:4,5 (MESSAGE)
What is the work I have been given? Certainly it hasn’t been preaching to the masses.
“Don’t compare yourself with others”. Oops. Guilty.
We all have been uniquely created by God to live the life He has designed for us. There will be no opportunity to be impressed with ourselves, and no reason to feel insignificant, if we refrain from comparing ourselves with others.
So no more comparing my life to the life of Billy Graham. I will follow the Lord’s direction, secure in His plan for me.
I’m sure Billy Graham’s reward in eternity will be great, but if we follow God’s plan for us, ours will be too.