God has been speaking to me about lining up with His Word and His specific plan for my life. He has been showing me changes I need to make.
“Line up!” I heard inside my spirit, repeatedly, with great emphasis. And then, “If you don’t get in line, you are going to miss out!”
A picture immediately came to mind. If you have ever been in charge of a group of children, you may have had the opportunity of “lining them up” to lead them somewhere. Herding a group of energetic children is not an easy task, but a single file line can help.
I imagined God’s plan for our lives resembling a specific line. I thought of some questions to analyze.
Are we even in a line or possibly wandering on our own, going nowhere?
Are we in the wrong line, heading toward the wrong place?
Are we in the correct line, following God’s plan?
Our first step is to line up with the Bible, and do what it says. That will keep us busy for a lifetime.
It’s also important to listen for God’s individual plans for us. There isn’t a Bible verse to tell us where to live or work, or who we should marry. But as we spend time with God in His Word, He will show us what He wants us to do.
We must be in the line God has for us, if at the end of our lives, we want to echo Paul… “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
There’s no better time to examine the line we are in. If changes are needed, we can find our line, move into it, and see where God will take us. It doesn’t always require a physical move, but it does necessitate lining up spiritually, which will lead to outward changes of some sort.
Whatever God has for us will be good. It only takes a moment to listen, obey, and get in God’s line for us. He will continue to lead us along the way.
It’s time to “Line up!”