I began experiencing some uncomfortable changes in my life. I was obeying the Lord’s leading and becoming very busy ministering to some of His people. Frankly, I was beginning to get upset. I went straight to the Lord and told Him how I was becoming overwhelmed, how this was too big for me, and how I simply couldn’t handle it! He reminded me He wasn’t the least bit surprised by any of it, that it wasn’t His will for me to be overwhelmed, and these were His people and He could take care of them with or without my help.
Doesn’t God have a way of putting things in proper perspective? I learned, once again, I talk too much. Okay Lord, it’s Your turn to talk.
“…I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose.”
Isaiah 46:9b-10
God knew all along what I was going through and He was more than able to strengthen me in my situation. He prepares us even when we don’t realize it. He sees the whole picture and isn’t the least bit confused by any part of our lives.
Be encouraged in your walk with God. He knows where you are and where you are going. Nothing that is happening is taking Him by surprise. He is more than able to take care of you. He is waiting for you to let Him.